


What is for you success in life?
What would you need to feel happy and confident?
Money is important, but do you think the richest are the happiest? why/why not?
Is IQ important for you? Justify your answer.
Do you always manage your emotions? When is it more difficult for you to control yourself?
Give some ideas to improve EQ.

COMPOSITION: write three or four paragraphs (not one or two), 50-100 words (check the models I gave to you), choose one of the following two

A description:
Describe someone you know who has been very successful in life. Describe her/his personality, indicating her/his intellectual and emotional abilities.
A personal opinion:
Should schools be responsible for teaching students how to manage their emotions?


Do you believe in justice?
Who takes advantage of Prohibition?
Is alcohol and cigarettes less harming than drugs?
How would you fight crime in the city?

COMPOSITION: write three or four paragraphs (not one or two), 50-100 words (check the models I gave to you), choose one of the following two:

A review:
Write a review of a crime book, film or TV series. State your opinion, explaining why you liked/didn't like it.
A for and against essay:
Explain the advantages/disadvantages of reality crime shows.

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Feeling intelligent

Daniel Goleman said Emotional Intelligent is very important and Emotional Intelligent helps you in your life.
In my opinion I think that the same, because not everything teach at school.
First, at school don’t teach the society, only subjects, for example Math, P.E., English, etc. In society, you don’t know who lie you.
Second, at the company the most important is logic and respect other people’s opinions, but ever so don’t teach at school.
In conclusion Emotional Intelligence is very important and the school is the same, I think Emotional Intelligence, if you have high EQs you can manage you impulse.

The Mafia

I think that they have very little advantages; first you can earn much money. Second the Don is the best in the Mafia.
The disadvantages are more; fist, you kill other person, I think is terrible kill. Second, the police if catch you, you go to prison. Third, you can’t go out the Mafia is forbidden. Fourth, if you are soldier the Mafia can kill you.
In conclusion the Mafia is very dangerous and unpleasant. The Mafia has done more harm than good. Mafia is gangsters he only do benefit for he.

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What is for you success in life?
For me the success in life is to feel happy with the things that you have.

What would you need to feel happy and confident?
To have a family, a work, a husband, something of money, etc

Money is important, but do you think the richest are the happiest? Why/why not?
I think that when you have something of money you feel well because you don't have so many preoccupations. But this isn't only thing to be happy

Is IQ important for you? Justify your answer.
Yes, because it is very important to have some basic knowledge and values

Do you always manage your emotions? When is it more difficult for you to control yourself?
Sometimes I manage my emotions but not always. When I am nervous

Give some ideas to improve EQ.
Go to classes of relaxation. For example pilates and yoga


Do you believe in justice?
No, I think that few things are fair in the world

Who takes advantage of Prohibition?
The Mafia and groups of criminals

Is alcohol and cigarettes less harming than drugs?
I think that drugs are worst

How would you fight crime in the city?
I think that is impossible. The crime will always exist

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Daniel Goleman thinks that EQ is more important than IQ because EQ helps to control the emotional impulses of the people. In my opinion this is true.

I think that in the school teachers should teach EQ because it is what Daniel Goleman says. EQ helps to control the emotional impulses, but in my opinion in the school they don't teach it. In the school they only teach subjects (for example: Maths, Spanish,...), but they don't teach EQ. I also believe that it would be very difficult that the teachers will teach EQ, because it is already difficult to teach other subjects.

In conclusion, I believe that the teachers should try to teach us a bit of EQ, because when the children are older they will not know how to control their emotions.

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Feeling intelligent

Daniel Goleman said Emotional Intelligent is very important and Emotional Intelligent helps you in your life.
I think the same, because not everything is taught at school.
First, at school only subjects are taught, for example Math, P.E., English, etc. In society, you don’t know who lies to you.
Second, at work the most important thing is common sense and respects the other.
In conclusion Emotional Intelligence is very important but school is the same. I think Emotional Intelligence can help you in your life and can help you manage impulses.

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The Mafia

Cry Wolf is a film about crimes and it is directed by Jeff Madow. In the film there appear actors as Julian Morris, Lindy Booth, Jared Padalecki and Jon Bon Jovi. It begins with Owen. He is a boy who arrives at a new school. He joins a group of girls and boys called “The liars club”. In the campus there has been a murder. This group makes up that there is a murderer on campus. The members of the group begin to disappear. Finally Owen discovers who the murderer is, but it is too late.

In my opinion this film isn’t very good but it is entertaining. There are moments when I feel “fear”. I like this film because you don’t know the truth until the end. This film is a thriller.

I recommend this film if you want to have a good time with your friends. But in my opinion Cry Wolf isn’t a terrific film.

Feeling inteligent

Should schools be responsible for teaching students how to manage their emotions? I think that the schools are responsible for the emotions of the students. But they aren’t the only responsible.

The school and the family should be responsible. The family is more responsible than the school. The children spend more time with the family and with the friends. In the school they teach the subjects and a little about citizenship.
Teachers can teach EQ but they don’t have to teach this “subject”. Those who must are the parents. Although I think that each person is different. Everyone learns in different ways.

In conclusion, I believe that there are many people that influence on our emotional intelligence. But mainly those who should teach EQ are our own families. Because teachers should teach the subjects (English, Biology for example) and a little about citizenship- But they aren’t be responsible for teaching emotional intelligence.

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The cities and their art

The most surprising was the city of Venice because know it is a city built on water is very exciting

I would like to return to Venice because there are many places that we could not see, because time and the organization.

The most impressive piece of art for me was the Venus de Milo because he was the only one who knew through the books.

The place I liked best was because Florence is a place with great history

Most interesting was the construction of Tower of Pisa because when you go to visit you know that when you see this inclined you stay amazed.

Now, say something about Pisa, Florence, Padua, Venice and Verona
Pisa: It's a very beautiful city, although the most interesting is the tower.
Florence: Florence is beautiful and very large, is full of museums has two large markets ..
Padua: apart from the church, we did not see much else.
Venice: it is a charming city, its bridges, canals, houses, gondolas ...
Verona: in this city the most important thing is the balcony of Romeo and Juliet

On means of transport

The bus was pretty heavy too many hours by bus.

The boat was fun, and very comfortable.

About hotels

Hotels Montecatini's been pretty bad, pretty poor conditions.

Lido di Jesolo's Hotel was very nice and was very comfortable the only flaw plugs.


The people I met were 3 Russians, the others were from Spain because the Italians were in Barcelona ..

Improvements to be done

If I could improve something for the next time I change how to organize the viage, I would have liked to visit more museums, monuments.
In short

What I liked most is to go with my friends and enjoy the good things with them.

What I liked least was not able to visit more things, not knowing they were.

My best memory is at night in the room, with all my friends talking about what they had done during the day.

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Blow portrays the rise and fall of George Jung (Johnny Depp), the biggest drug trafficker of cocaine from the 70 in the United States. From a family of limited resources trying to barely survive thanks to its small business, Jung went to California to start a new life, but fell in prison even before starting the race which would be infamous. It was precisely in the prison where he had his first contacts with the cocaine trade. A big business to exploit know that his departure from prison, becoming the main link in cocaine trafficking between Colombian drug cartel headed by Pablo Escobar and the United States market. But the immense wealth and power that was not allowed to see the real costs of what they had undertaken.

Blow is an American film belongs to the genre of drama that came in 2001. The film was directed by Ted Demme and screenwriters David MacKenna Nick Cassavetes created the screenplay for the movie from the book published in 1993 Blow is based on a true story, the film is so called because it Blow is a euphemism for cocaine

I recommend this film if you want to have a good time. But in my opinion blow isn’t a fantastic film.