
Make a 50-second speech!

Bring an object to the class and make a speech! 

Describe the object you have brought.  Explain why this object is important to you or  is very special in your life

Include details (shape, weight, colour, use, ...) and information (how you got it, when,...) in your explanation.

After having given your speech to the class in order to complete the task you can/should/have to/might write the speech, check with the teacher if it is correct, memorize it (go here for a better pronunciation), record it and send it to the teacher, or even better, upload it and publish it on your fb, blog,  ... and give the link or embed to the rest of your classmates so that they enjoy it!!!

other possible topics to talk about:

written speech examples

other ideas: 

Who are you in 5 objects?
give your reasons, explain why you have chosen them

tag yourself and your friends, 

what object/adjective 
describe you or your friend best? why?


Describing objects is very simple if you follow some basic steps.
You can mention the shapeWhat does it look like?
IT LOOKS LIKE… (It looks like a star)
IT’S A KIND OF… (It’s a kind of circle)

You can also talk about the materials:What’s it made of?
IT’S MADE OF… (It’s made of wood/leather/glass/metal/iron…)

You may refer to the use as well: What’s it used for?
IT’S USED FOR + -ING / TO + INF (It’s used for cooking/to cook pasta)
And if you don’t know what something is used for, you can always guess or invent it…
IT COULD BE USED AS … (It could be used as a bag)