
Learning how to learn and the Common European Framework

According to the Common European Framework (Council of Europe 2001),
the general competences of an individual comprise:

knowledge – declarative knowledge resulting from experience and from more formal learning;
skills and know-how – which depend more on procedures than on declarative knowledge;
existential competence – “the sum of the individual characteristics, personality traits and attitudes which concern, for example, self-image and one’s view of others and willingness to engage with other people in social interaction”;
ability to learn – which “mobilises existential competence, declarative knowledge and skills, and draws on various types of competence”.

In its most general sense, savoir-apprendre is the ability to observe and participate in new
experiences and to incorporate new knowledge into existing knowledge, modifying the latter where necessary.
Language learning abilities are developed in the course of the experience of learning.
They enable the learner to deal more effectively and independently with new language learning challenges, to see what options exist and to make better use of opportunities.
Ability to learn has several components, such as language and communication awareness; general phonetic skills; study skills; and heuristic skills.