
WRITING GUIDE: The Writing Process

STEP 1: Brainstorm for ideas.
STEP 2: Organise your ideas.
STEP 3: Focus on language.
STEP 4: Write a first draft.
STEP 5: Check your work.
STEP 6: Write a final draft.

STEP 1: Brainstorm for ideas

Write down the ideas you can think of.

Don’t worry about whether the ideas are relevant.

Don’t worry about the grammar or the spelling.

You can write on your own language.

STEP 2: Organise your ideas

Decide which ideas to keep and cross out the others

Group similar ideas together

Put the groups in order according to a writing plan.

STEP 3: Focus on language

Think of words and expressions you will need in your work.

STEP 4: Write a first draft

Begin writing. Leave wide margins for notes.
Leave space between line for additions and corrections.

Write quickly. Don’t worry about neatness or accuracy.

If you cn’t think of a word in English, write it in your own language.

If you can’t spell a word, write it in any way you can.
Then check the word in a dictionary when you have finished.

STEP 5: Check your work

Use the Writer’s Checklist to improve your work.

STEP 6: Write a final draft

When you are satisfied with your work, copy it neatly onto a clean sheet of paper.

Write in pen or type it on the computer.

Be sure to include all your corrections.

Leave a margin on the left-hand sid.

Make sure your paragraphs are clearly indicated.