

Writer’s Checklist:


Did I…

begin with a suitable opening sentence?

present my ideas clearly?

use relevant details and examples to explain my ideas?

support my ideas with details and examples?

end with a suitable closing sentence?

use pronouns to refer to the nouns in the paragraph?

use connectors to link my ideas?


Did I…

check my grammar?

check my spelling?

check word order?

use correct punctuation?

use capital letters correctly?

use adjectives correctly?


Did I…

use suitable connectors?

present the information in the logical order?


7 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

a) He is different because he is studying law in the university of Girona. And he is an actor and organizer of activities for the Jama Kafo Association, a civic group. He helps their members become integrated into Catalan society.

b) The immigrants of Africa want to work in agriculture, building or industry so they can send money a their families in Africa.

c) The Jama Kafo Association helps immigrants plant the seeds for a better tomorrow for themselves and their families here in Europe.

Anònim ha dit...

a)Mamodou Lamin speaks Catalan and Spanish and he studying at the University of Girona, not everybody can go to University, and he works for associations that helps immigrants to integrate into Catalan Society.

b)The African immigrants went to work in agriculture, building or industry and then returnin to their own country they have saved up enough money to buy some thing with which to support a family.
When immigrants arrive in Europe, they haven't got work and they are unprotected and he is African and the others discriminas.

c)Jama Kafo Associations help immigrants, when the immigrants aarive Spain he gives food and clothes for they.

Anònim ha dit...

My immigrant friend

1.a)Momodu Lamin is different, because he speaks Catalan and Spanish and he studying law at the University of Girona too. He also organizer of activities in the Jama Kafo Association (civic group),and he works as an actor.

b)They come to Europe with the idea of working for a time in agriculture, building or industry. They save up enought money to buy something with which to support a family. When they arrive in Europe, they realize that unemployment and poverty also exist here and that they are unprotected and face a great deal of discrimination

c)His intention is help immigrants plant the seed for a better tomorrow for themselves and their families her in Europe.

Unknown ha dit...

A) He is different because he studies and is not an illiterate. He is studying law at the same time as he is working as an actor and organizer of activities in a civic group which helps immigrant. He also speaks Catalan and Spanish.
B- The immigrants usually expect to find a work for a time in agriculture, building or industry and save up enough money to return to their own countries and buy something (taxi or small bus) to work and support the family, but when they arrive find the unemployment and poverty and a great deal of discrimination.
C- It want to help immigrants to integrate themselves and their families in Europe

Anònim ha dit...

a- He is different because he isn't illiterate.He is studing at the university and he also works as an actor and as an organizer of activities in a civic group.

b- The immigrants arrive with the idea of working for a time in agriculture,building or industry when they have saved up enough money to buy something with wich to support a family.But, they realize that unemployement and poverty also exist here and that they are unprotected and face a great deal of discrimination.

c - Jama Kafo Associaton fight against discrimination and unfair immigration laws, and try to help their members become integrated into Catalan society.

Anònim ha dit...

a) Momodou Lamin is different from the majority of African immigrants in Catalonia because he is studying law at tha University of Girona, he speacks catalan and spanish, and he works an organizer of activities in the immigrant associations.

b) They want work for a time in agriculture, build or industry for send a winner money from they family.
They find themselves trapped between the difficulties for getting a good job and the impossibility of returning home with empty hands.

c) The objectives of this association is help their members become integrated into catalan society.

Anònim ha dit...


a) Momodou Lamin is different from other African immigrants because he speaks Catalan ans Spanish, he studying law at the Uiniversity of Girona and he works as actor too.

b)The African immigrants,when they arrive in Europe, his idea of working for a time in agriculture, building or industry.He also wont, in the future return in his own country when he has saved up enough money to buy something(taxi or small bus) with which to support a family

c)The objectives of this association are help immigrants to integrate themselves and their families in Europe