

1. How much attention do you pay to your daily diet?
2. How often do you eat in a fast food restaurant like McDonald's?
3. What are your favorite foods? Are they healthy?
4. Describe what you saw in the videos.
5. What would you do to make sure you develop healthy eating habits?
6. Should government regulate the fast food industry? Why?

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Anònim ha dit...

1. How much attention do you pay to your daily diet?
2. How often do you eat in a fast food restaurant like McDonald's?
I will eat at a fast-food restaurant rarely, 1 or 2 times a month
3. What are your favorite foods? Are they healthy?
My favourite food is a salad and I think that if that is healthy, because it is one of the 5 to be eating vegetables a day.
4. Describe what you saw in the videos.
on the first video explains the use of a, an, some and numbers with aliments
The second video explains that there are 5 to eat vegetables daily
In the third video specialist talks about food.
And finally in the fourth video are singing a song about vegeta
5. What would you do to make sure you develop healthy eating habits?
Ask a specialist food
6. Should government regulate the fast food industry? Why
I do not know


Anònim ha dit...

1. How much attention do you pay to your daily diet?
Sometimes. I like to eat healthy.

2. How often do you eat in a fast food restaurant like McDonald's?
Not very often, once or twice times a month

3. What are your favorite foods? Are they healthy?
My favorite foods are salads and migas. Salads are healthy but migas isn’t so much

4. Describe what you saw in the videos.
The videos show information about the healthy food.
The first one speaks about vocabulary of food and grammar.
The second one is a song. 5 pieces of fruit and vegetable a day
In the third one a professional speak about the healthy food
And the last one is a song about fruits and vegetables

5. What would you do to make sure you develop healthy eating habits?
I would do the food in the house with natural products. I would not buy fast food

6. Should government regulate the fast food industry? Why?
Not, because each one is free to eat what wants. If they eat fat it is because they want, nobody forces them

Anònim ha dit...

1. How much attention do you pay to your daily diet?
• I do not pay much attention
2. How often do you eat in a fast food restaurant like McDonald's?
• Rarely, because I am a stingy.
3. What are your favourite foods? Are they healthy?
• I have not got a favourite food because there are days that I like a thing and other days like another.
4. Describe what you saw in the videos.
• In the videos I have seen things about the healthy Food. They teach us vocabulary, songs Related to healthy food and more information about this topic.
5. What would you do to make sure you develop healthy eating habits?
• I should eat a little bit of everything; fruits, meat, pasta, hamburger (this last not!, Ouch!)
6. Should government regulate the fast food industry? Why?
• I don’t know. Everyone is free to choose. It is the same that "Basura TV". But the government should regulate it a little to make the food healthier.

Anònim ha dit...

1. How much attention do you pay to your daily diet?
I normally don’t pay attention to my diet, only when I see that I have to slim a bit.

2. How often do you eat in a fast food restaurant like McDonald's?
I eat in a fast food restaurant rarely (one or twice times a month)

3. What are your favorite foods? Are they healthy?
I don't have favourite food, but I like much fruits and salads. I believe that it is a healthy food.

4. Describe what you saw in the videos.
En el primer vídeo habla sobre el vocabulario y la gramática de alimento, el segundo vídeo es una canción y habla de los 5 pedazos de fruta y verdura que hay que comer en un dia. In the third video a professional speak about the healthy food and the last video the vegetables and fruits sing a song about them.

5. What would you do to make sure you develop healthy eating habits?
I would buy healthy foods or but would ask a specialist of food.

6. Should government regulate the fast food industry? Why?
I believe that not, because each one eats what wants.

Unknown ha dit...

1. Truly, I don’t pay attention to my daily diet. I think is important but I don’t do it.

2. Only 1 or 2 a year, maybe
some years more, but is weird.

3. My favourite foods are desserts. Are not healthy!

4. In the first video we can learn vocabulary about food and grammar about quantities and likes and dislikes.
In the second we can listen a song about the recommendation of eats 5 pieces of fruits and vegetables.
In the third we can listen a nutrition specialist talking about statistics of the diet of Americans, the consequences we can have if don’t eat healthy, what we must eat in each meal…
In the fourth teach we the importance of a good nutrition and encourage we to have a healthy diet.

5- I would don’t eat fast food and eat a lot of vegetables and fruit, at least 5 a day.

6- Yes, the government should regulate the fast food industry because if it doesn’t do it the business men don’t do anything because only are worried by the money.