
Be a bookworm, enjoy reading!

Dear students, 

choose a book you'd like to read from (Oxford, bookworm series)
and tell me the title!!! 

(by commenting here or using fb)

Once you get it, you have till 6th Nov. to read it. 

Then you'll do an easy easy comprehension test to check you have understood the plot, recognized the characters and learnt some new vocabulary.

choose your level here

it should be 2-3-4 for 3rd ESO
4-5-6 for 1st BAT
Don't forget to choose it before the 4th Oct. otherwise I'll decide what you are going to read. Up 2 U!

9 comentaris:

Unknown ha dit...

Great Crimes stage 4


Unknown ha dit...

The girl with green eyes, stage 3

Laura Martínez 1 A batx

Unknown ha dit...

The girl with green eyes stage 3

Estefanía Larreategui 1B batx

Unknown ha dit...

Stage 3 Martin Luther King

Kai Finkener 1A Batx

Andrés ha dit...

Stage 5: Deadlock - Sara Paretsky

Andrés Ortega 1B Batx

Unknown ha dit...

Satge 4: Dr Jekyll and Mr jyde

Davis Exposito B1-A

Unknown ha dit...

Bookworms Stage 4:
The Pepper-Tree!

Maria Fernanda Zambrano Lita, 1Batx 'A'

Narcy's ha dit...

Stage 4: The Pepper-Tree.

1Batx 'A' Narcisa Zambrano Lita

Joselin Quijije ha dit...

Stage 4: The Pepper-Tree
Joselin Quijije Mendoza

1Baxt A