
A biography: Wangari Maathai

Try to write her biography by answering the following questions:

Where was this person born? In what year?
Where did this person grow up?
What does/did this person do for a living?
Why is this person famous?
What did/does this person do to become famous?
How has this person made an impact on others' lives?

5 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

She was born in Nyieri on may 7, 1940. She went away study chiropody to United States and Alemania and later she returned to Kenya. She is a doctor veterinary chiropody. She received the Nobel Prize on the Peace. She wanted a better life for the woman

Anònim ha dit...

•Where was this person born? In what year?

Wangari Muta Maathai was born in Nyeri, Kenya in 1940.

•Where did this person grow up?

•What does/did this person do for a living?

•Why is this person famous?

Wangari Maathaifue she was famous by to win the prize of peace nobel

•What did/does this person do to become famous?

Wangari Maathai was the first woman in East and Central Africa to earn a doctorate degree. It while she served in the National Council of Women that she introduced the idea of planting trees with the people in 1976 and through the Green Belt Movement that has helped women in planting over 20 million trees on their farms and in schools and the church compound.

•How has this person made an impact on others' lives?

Fought for democracy, human rights and environmental conservation

Unknown ha dit...

Wangari Maathai, her complete name is Wangari Muta Maathai, was born in Nyeri (Kenya) in April 1, 1940.
She grew up in several countries. She went to school in Kenya, she went to the university in USA and Germany and after she returned to Kenya.
She is a very active person. She founded the Green Belt Movement which has planted millions trees across Kenya. She also presided at the National Council of Kenya’s Women and, representing the National Rainbow Coalition she was elected to parliament. She did a lot of important things and now she is even working for the environment and people’s life.
The thing which did her more famous was she received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. She won the prize because planted hundreds of trees across Kenya trying to deter warfare.
She impacted in other lives because she warned people against false beliefs and misinformation and then, with information and projects of life, the people’s life changed, appearing the enthusiasm and disappearing some problems of health and some problems of discrimination of women.

Anònim ha dit...

Where was this person born? In what year?

She born in Nyeri city in Kenya, in 1 April 1940

Where did this person grow up?

In primary school and secondary school she lived in Kenya but when she finished study she went to United States and Germany for study biology.

What does/did this person do for a living?

She founded Green Belt Movement for plant tree but now the organization had planted 40 millions across Kenya. She was chairperson of Maendeleo Ya Wanawake.

Why is this person famous?

Because she went to prison whose regime of President Daniel Arap Moi. In 2003 she has been Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Environment, Natural resources and Wildlife and she founded the Mazingira Green Party.

What did/does this person do to become famous?

She is famous because did more things, she founded more association, she was minister and win a Nobel Peace Prize.

How has this person made an impact on others' lives?

I think that she had could change her life and the other people think can change them life. She fight for environment it is very important for the Earth because not all people fight to environment.

Anònim ha dit...

Wangari Maathai was born on May 7, 1940 in Nyieri, Kenya
After finishing school, Maathai studied soil science in the United States and Germany. She received a bachelor's degree in soil science from Mount St. Scholastica in 1934, and the title of Hamster at the University of Pittsburgh. After she returned to Kenya at Nairobi University where he received the first doctorate awarded to a woman from East Africa
Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement in 1977, a plantation of over 30 million trees throughout the country to prevent soil erosion.
Maathai was the chairwoman of Maendeleo Ya Wanawake (the National Council of Women of Kenya).
She saved the Uhuru Park in Nairobi in 1989. She stopped the construction of an urban complex. Since 2003 has been Minister for the Environment, Natural Resources and Wildlife. On March 28, 2005, was elected president of the African Union's Economic, Social and Cultural Council
Wangari Maathai received the Nobel Peace Prize 2004 for their contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace.
She has impacted our lives because she has united somehow peace with democracy, political participation (especially women), human development and the environment