

Today you work in pairs,
look for information about your trees
but first decide which information you need.

0.- Open a blank Word document. Give it a name. Save it.

1.- Write a list of things you want to know, from the obvious ones to any you are curious about.

2.- After 10 minutes, read the list to the class and listen to the others. Take notes.

3.- Go into 'Google' and write between quotation marks (") the concepts you want to know.

4.- Write down (on the doc) the information and the webs you have visited to get it, explain briefly why they are good.

5.- Now that you have the information, organize it as a mind map on a doc or a piece of paper.
Do it as homework.

6.- Show the information to your teacher (or send it by e-mail) along this week.

In your free time this week, take a digital camera (you can borrow the school's) and go with your partner to visit both your trees, you have to take at least 6-8 pictures:

- a general of the landscape
- the whole tree with you on the same picture (your partner takes the picture)
- details of the branches
- details of the leaves
- a close-up of the trunk
- some pictures of other specimens of the same tree

The pictures must be taken along this week and brought in next Monday/Wednesday.

Ask the teacher for help whenever you have any doubts or questions.

Next Monday/Wednesday we will work on English structures.

0.- Your teacher gives you back your previous work commented.
1.- Think about the English you need to write a good report on your tree.
2.- Begin writing.

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