
Family Tree

Building our future

Don't let those family memories fade, document them in your own Family History Book.

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My Grandmother

Hi! My name is Miguel Ángel. I have got a grandmother. She is called Rita Ibañez Llorach. She was born in Barcelona (Spain) on November 5th 1928. Her parents were called Ramón and Isabel. And her brother and sister were called Ramón and Isabel too.
She was living on Barcelona. They lived in a flat in Sants. Their flat had 3 rooms but they were very big. It had not got gas but it had got running water and electrical appliances. They had few facilities.
She spent her childhood with her family, she was very happy. Her favourite game was “la comba”. She had not got many responsibilities because she was smaller than her sister and her brother.
She went to school until she was 12 years old. She can read and write very well. She remembers this time happily because her family was together.
Their parents worked in a manufactures. She began to work when she was 12 years old in the same manufacture that her parents, as her brother and sister. Se worked in the same manufacture a lot of time. Later she worked in a flat, she was porter.
She knew my grandfather in the porter. He was a neighbour. They fell in love and they get married the same year. On the following year my father was born. They went to live to a new house. After 12 years my grandfather died.
My grandmother did not return to marry and nowadays she has Alzheimer. She is in a residence, for this reason I can not ask him.

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Paquita is my grandmother. She was born on December 13th in Albacete, Spain. The name of her mother was Juana and the name of her father was Francisco. My grandmother has got two sisters. Their names are Elena and Aurora.
My grandmother has lived in many houses. For example, she lived in the house in Albacete, then she lived in a small house next to the beach and in a hut next to the Gypsies.
Her mother was a housewife and her father was a farmer. He went to the war.
Her father after working in an industry. Paquita has always lived with her parents. When they were older she took care of them.
When she lived in the house next to the beach she got very scared because their house was flooded and they had to flee. My grandmother had responsibility of taking care of her two small sisters. They loved playing double-dutch.
Paquita went to school until she was ten years old. At her school only there were girls. The school was small, there was only three class rooms. Her favourite subject was Castellano. My grandmother still remembers many of her classmates. She loved the playground. She read few books but can’t remember the names.
Paquita worked in a textile factory. She worked twelve hours every day, from Monday to Saturday. She earned little money a week, just to feed his family.
She is married to my grandfather, Fernando. They had two sons and two daughters. Who care for their children was their mother because my grandmother had to work. My grandmother thinks that the best thing about her life was to have their four children and her two grandchildren.
Paquita has blond and short hair. She usually wears dark clothes but sometimes she wears colorful clothes. She wears glasses and never wears heels.
My grandmother had lived in many houses. The houses in which she lived weren’t like those we have now. They didn’t have any running water and so much technology. Some didn’t have bathrooms.
She thinks that the life today is much easier. The families have more things than before, many of them unnecessary. She believes that people don’t value what they have. Her family was extensive. Her house was never empty.
The means of transport were few. She always went either on foot or by bus.
She and her family are catholic.
She has worked in a factory and cleaning houses. She is a good woman.

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My Granfather

Jilin Zhi was born in Lishui on 5th October 1930. His father was Zhaofu Zhi and his mother was Yuanyuan Chen. Jinli Zhi is my grandfather.

He had got two brothers and a sister. In 1992 and 1997 his two brothers were dead. His parents worked in country, and he helped his parents every day It was his responsability. The house was very small, It had got two bedrooms, a sitting room, a kitchen and a bathroom. The transports for him was and is a bicycle. When he behaved badly his parents hit him, and when he behaved well his parents bought more clothes for him. His best memories are when his parents bought more clothes for him. His favourite gamewas being with his friends but he didn’t do it frequently.

His home had two floors, three bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen and a sitting room, but the floor hadn’t got electrical and had got a well. The house cost 1.000 yuán.

Whne he eight years old, he went to school, he went to school untill ESO, but he didn’t finish ESO. His school was huge each level hed got five classroom and each classroom thirty students. His subjects were Chinese, maths, history, P.E., calligraphy and art. His favourite subjectwas maths because in every exam took nine and also this is his best memory. His best book was Maozi Dong, but I don’t know why it is his best book.

His job was in the country, he was ten hours every day and six days a week. The country was big and he had got vegetables but there were months when vegetables didn’t grow. The wage he earned was seven o eight yuán in a month.

His clothes was and is very simple. The clothes was very formal and dark colour. The trousers the same and his shoes were made of they cloth, were very simple. His hair is shorts and black.

He got married at twenty , he was young. He had two sons and two daughters. Nobody finished ESO. His best memory was and is when his children were born.


• Grandfather, what do you think about family nowadays?
I think time changed and the children leave the house younger.

• What do you think about means of transport nowdays?
I think the bus is an ecological transport and it is very cheap.

• What do you think about religion nowadays?
I think children don’t prectise religion but I respect.

• The last question, what do you think about technology nowadays?
I think it isn’t fantastic but a big invention is TV, when you are bored you can wacht TV.
Thank Grandfather!!!

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Hi, my name is Laura, I’ve got a grand mother, she is called Paquita Garcia Garcia. She was born in Jaen of Spain, the on 12 November in 1933. Their parents were called Juan and Isabel. She has two brothers, their names are Francisco and José she has also a sister, She is called Maria. When she was little she lived in a house in the village Villa Torre. The house had 6 rooms but it hadn’t facilities. They had to go to the river to wash, they did even have running water or appliance, His father was a miner and his mother was a seamstress. My grandmother left home at 23, when she married to my grandfather Damian.
The means of transports that had at the time was the train. His favourite game was the “xarranca”. One of the best memories she has is playing with her brothers. My grandmother studied until first grade, up to 6 years. The subject what she liked most was the Spanish language, the school was not mixed, only girls could go. One of the things she liked mast was the blackboard. Her best memories from school were playing with friends.
She began working in a shop in Barcelona, she worked 8 hours, from Monday to Saturday, and got 1.500 pta.
My grand mother becomes a widow at 43. She has 5 children. They are called Paquita, Federico, Juan Daniel, Maribel and Diego
Everyone has got the basic school degree. The best memories of this family is seeing their children growing. My grandmother has been quite traditional with the hairstyles. She hasn’t changed. She wore we but she had not a lot of clothes. She never wore trousers. She only wore a hat when she was working at field.