
A past narrative.



Yesterday I went to the park.
I wanted to see how the trees have changed since the last time I was there.

The sun was shining and it wasn't very cold.
The birds were singing peacefully, and the ducks were swimming in the lake.
We also saw some swams, and a lot of fish.

There weren't many people in the park, only some women jogging.

Most of the trees were without leaves. There were very few flowers and fruits.
We took some pictures and watched how a man was driving a model boat in the lake.

Some days before I saw how a TV3 team were taking some shots.
It was a skecht for the Polonia tv3 programme, the one about Lluis Llach character. It was on last Thursday.

Barcelona is amazing!

21 comentaris:

Maria Gomez Sol ha dit...

Last Friday we went to the Diagonal Park.
We went to since the trees were.
Towards sun, and the people vat walking in the park.
A man was mounting a small ship and later he put in the lake.
My tree haven't a leaf.
Carla, Patricia and I vat walking join.
We did a lot of photos.
Let's pass for the bridge and we saw to swin to the ducks.
In the bridge also they were the Javi,Liseth Miguel and very people.
Later we returned to the institute.

Miguel Rodríguez the sex simbol ha dit...

Hi, I Am Miguel Rodríguez and am going to tell an anecdote of these yearling heifers.

We come to the park on 11:00 am.

We were looking at the trees and his characteristics.

Then tube that to beat Javi Gallego that I continue bleeding in the soil.

We saw a few ducks in the lake of the park.

There a very small and very graceful duck that vuceava to the speed of the light.

After two hours o'clock looking at ducks we sit down awhile.

Later we were for the school.

We come on 12:30 am and we did Catalan.

Hongjun Xia ha dit...


Last friday,we went to the Diagonal Park.
I saw some boys is played when we were coming the park.
while we saw our tree some ancient were walking in the park.
And i saw some ducks swimming in the lake.
While i looked my tree , my friend Xavi was taking a photos.
I saw some people were jogging in the park.
Later,i was resting,and i sat in the chair.
And my friends were taking a pictures.
In the park,that some woman chatting with hers friends.
finally,we are tired.But we also happy~

Carlota Puente Márquez ha dit...

Last Friday we went to the Diagonal Park.
We went to see our tree and take photos, also we were writing notes in the notebook.
people walking in the park, read a book in a bank , give to eat the fish and the ducks, mounting a small boat and put in the lake, go jogging...
I and Silvia took a lot of photos.
Late we returned to institute.

Javi Gallego ¬¬Miguel isn't a Sex Simbol ¬¬ ha dit...

Hello, I'm Fco Javier and I want tell to all my anecdote of Diagonal Mar.

We went to the park Diagonal Mar to do photos at the trees.

But I didn't any because I didn't have there a digital camera.

I saw a lot of trees but it's haven't any leaves because we're in winter.

In the lake Sergio, Lizeth, Miguel and me saw two families of ducks.

The ducks were swimming happies in the lake but a small duck was diving more than swimming.

Later we went to sit in the chairs of the park a while.

At 12 oc'clock we have to be in the exit to leave.

sergio fernandez / yes! he is a sex simbol -.- ha dit...

Hi! I'm here and I want a possitive.

The last friday we went to Diagonal Mar's Park.
We were writting all information of the trees that we were looking.
But one thing happends.
We (Liset, FJGU, Sex Simbol and me) saw a lot of ducks in the lake of the park.
I couldn't belive what i was watching!
I never seen a duck diving like that duck!
It was faster diving than swimming!
(It was more faster diving than miguel doing a joke)
After that, we were watching the ducks from elven o'clock to 12.30...
We didn't have any digital camera, for that reason we couldn't do any photography.
But we are very happy for the duck... We called it "Potito".
More later we went to sit in the chairs of the park behind Raisa and Zoey.
Finally, we went back to school again!

(esto es una señora estupenda qe tenia un perro qe se llamaba [...])

Javier Carmona ha dit...

Last Fryday my class went to the Diagonal Mar park.
In the park my friend Zilahy doing photos at the trees.
The ducks was swimming and the birds was singing.
When I was walking mt friens took notes.
There was some people walking or sitting in a bank.
The trees hasn't got any leaves.
There was some boys playing in the playground.
At eleven o'clock returned to class

layla_xula ha dit...

I got into the park.
I saw that one child was playing.
I was looking trees when I saw one duck.
I was writing when I saw little bird.
Iwas taking photos when my cellphone rang.
when I got into the park I started to do the project.
Lindsay was talking to me but I didn't understand any word.
I was walking through the park but I started to sweat.
When I was looking at the lake I saw some ducks.
when we were comming at the school I saw a child playing.

treyci ha dit...

I was writing when a lady gave food to the duck .
lindsay took photos of the trees when we were laughing .
I was looking for more trees when my partner sat on the bank.
I saw a lake when I got into the park.
I was sitting when I saw my friends laughing.
the teacher got mad because the students were taking a lot.
The child cried because the lady was taking photos of him.
my classmate was chatting when the teacher got into the class.
My mother was cooking when i was studying.
He was watching tv when his mother rang.

carla aguilera ha dit...

On Friday we went of excursion to the park of the diagonal mar, to each one look at the tree.
We saw a man who was mounting a ship and afterwards later it he put it to the water.
To the moment were the maria.g patri and I
to doing photos to our trees and to the moment let's meet the ester, maria.r....
Happening Passing for the bridge we saw a few ducks and let's remain to seeing them!
There let's be with lizeth, javi, miguel...
To the moment was the hour o'clock and we returned to the institute.

Ester González ha dit...

Hello!Last Friday we went to the Diagonal Mar Park.
Its amazing!Is big and beatifull.
There were some people and animals:birds,ducks,fishes...And a lot of trees.
My tree were very far and this lefts are simply.
When I was doing photos my friend Maria wrote the information about the trees.
I saw a small duck in the lake.
At 12'clock we returned to the school

Zilahy ha dit...

I'am Zilahy
I went to the Diagonal Mar park
The people did these things:
The people walked trough the park, they some sat in the seat and speaking
The teenagers went to bike ride
There was a man making photos to a neuly married
There was some people worked cleaning the park
My tree is a cercis sliqualtrum
My tree is very strong, and at the moment, it haven't got leaves

Alex Gonzalo ha dit...

I saw a baby when I was chatting with my friends
I was ducks swimming in the lake when I was walking
My friends were sitting when I took a fruit of the tree
I made a photo to my tree when the gardeners were working
The teacher touch a new tree to the class when we were doing the homework
I saw a man driving a model boat when I was sitting in the park
When I was walking acorss the park I saw a man bike ride
When I was sitting in the park with my friends we saw a man playing with his dog
When I was doing my homewrok I saw to Javi playing with Miguel and Sergio
I was waiting to my friends when I was said to the teacher that I wanted change the tree

Maria Rodriguez Bodelon ha dit...

Hi! My name is María Rodríguez Bodelón.
While looking trees, there were some sucks swimming in the lake.
Many trees were leafless, other if they had because they were evergreen.
In the park there are many types of trees.
The lake had a family of ducks, a little swimming very fast and was trying to follow the brothers.
A man is mounting a small ship.
In my group there were: Ester, Alba and Melisa.
Then we were walking through the park.
Late we went back to school.
And that was what we observed in the park.

Tomeito ha dit...

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raisa ha dit...

Hi,we went to the Diagonal Mar Park.We looked the trees and writed the hi characteristics.Later zoe and my sit we sited down in the bank and to sunbathe,I chatted with my friend.Wings 11: 30 we returned to the school.It was one very enterteining day.

sex simbol ha dit...

Miguel isn't a sex simbol...¬¬
xavi carmona is a sex simbol yeahhh!!

Silvia Barbany ha dit...

Last Friday we went to Diagnoal Mar Park. This park is big and veru beatiful.
Jeral, Carlota and I, writes the characteritics trees. I also saw my friend in the tobbogan. There were some ducks swimming in the lake.
I also saw mums whit her daughters and at 12' clook we went to the school.

Patryyy ha dit...

Last Friday we went to the park of the Diagonal, Carla, Maria and I did photos of the trees and saw also a family of ducks, the small mas was plunging very much We saw that my tree: Ficus Carica...not tape-worm no leaf...thing that was not ningun cambi with regard to the tree We Gave a return for the park looked at other trees and when we end went to the school again.

zOeee Martín ha dit...

While looking ducks in the lake,I saw Javi,Miguel,Sergio and Liset to admire the little duck.Raisa and me,goes to oder park,then was the three of Raisa.We saw a man driving a boat in the lake.Later qe qere in the bench tooking the sun a bit.Later qe gets to found my three in the park and caugth the information of the oder threes.Afterward we goes to the school.

Alba Rodriguez Gimenez ha dit...

On friday,the 25th of jenuary we went to the park of the Diagonal mar. I went to look for my tree last we went to that of the Ester and last went to turn for another park last let's spend for the bridge and the Miguel the Javi the Liset saw looking at a duckling the Carla did a photo to him and last we turned became for the cole.