
Your opinion!

ThankU for giving us your opinions
(I haven't corrected anything, but colored only BIG "mistakes")
  1. Antonio and Manuel said...
  2. Yaiza,Laura y Miguel Ángel said...
  3. Estefania(zulu) and gaby said...
  4. Eliana c�rdova said...
  5. Albert Giralt, Sabina & Vero said...
  6. pilar said...
  7. ...Sonia & Gonzalo... said...
- How much have people changed in the last six hundred years?
A. More, actually we have got technology, in 1400 only has war for country.
B. We think that the people have changed a lot.
C. we think that people have changed a lot because now to live is very easy,we have things that they facilitate to us to make different activities from the daily life
D. My opinion is that we have advanced very much, that everything is easier now because we have advanced technology, as television, telephones etc

E. The people changed a lot, nowadays we have more comfort and we have another views of the world.
F. Much , actuallity there is more violence between teenagers,we have another form of to see the live.
G. The last six hundred years, the people changed a lot.Now we have more technologies, more resources...

- Is friendship more important than love?
A. +W
Is very difficult answer I think the both is very important.
B. Yes, it is because the friends always will be to your side but the love finishes
C. we think that the frienship and love are very important in the life.
D. I think that the frienship and love are very important in the life.

E. This question made we have an argument because Vero and Sabina think friendship is more important than the love, and Albert think+W is more important the love than friendship.
F. For my ,the two are very important
G. .The true friends always would be with you however the love is nor for always.
We think +W is more important the love than friendship(According to that friends).

- Do dreams have a meaning?
A. Yes, the dream help in future for me.
B. Yes, its do. We believe that the dreams are indicative , they inform us about something that is going to happen.
C. if I believe perhaps that they are as dejavu guide to us in the present and they make think the things us (?).
D. Yes, I believe that the dreams have importantly, because a veces the dreams are fulfilled.

E. Yes, because the mind do them and shows thinks which we can’t see when we are awake.
F. For my it haven't anything meaning
G. Yes, every dream has it meaning, the can mean fear, hope, happiness...

- Will men do anything for gold?
Yes, we do for gold because the people like gold and will pay.
B. Yes, he will. For example the thieves, who rob things to have more money
C. yes, everybody needs but money to him to live better or single by avarice.
D. Yes, the gold is important for the man, always they will be joined by the greed of the man.

E. Yes, men will can do a lot of things for gold because gold is expensive and the men always do something to be rich.
F. yes , for to be richs
G. Yes, the money, nowadays is very important. They will do everything possible for obtaining it.

- What do women most desire?
I don’t undertand you question.
B. We thought that they desire to have a family
C. All the women wish to have a family and to be happy.
D. All the women want to be happy and to have a better life with her family.

E. A women most desire suffer for her love and do all think to get his love.
G. I don't understand this question
H. To create a family and to continue forward.

- What makes a perfect marriage?
A perfect marriage is speak and know listen is very important.
B. The fidelity and the respect towards the loved person
C. the respect, the fidelity, the love, to be listened to mutually that makes a marriage happy.
D. To be happy, to speak the things with respect and very much love.

E.The freedom, because a marriage is perfect when both partners are free.
F. It doesn't exist because always there are jealousy, little freedom...
G. It is perfect, when there is complicities, love and they are free.