
cognates-false friends/ likes & dislikes

Cognates & false friends, likes and dislikes.
cognates: words which are similar in two languages
false friends: words which look similar to words in your language, but the meaning is different
different ways of expressing likes: I love..., I'm mad about..., I'm really into..., I like..., I enjoy..., I think ... is great, ...
and dislikes: I don't mind..., I'm not keen on..., I hate..., I can't stand..., I think... is terrible.
1 Actually I’m from Bolton, but we live in a house in the suburbs of Manchester, where I’m sitting at my desk at this moment. It’s a quiet area, and there’s nothing much to do. You have to go into the centre for gigs or to shop.
2 I spend a lot of time down at the park with my friends, just talking. I love art, cinema and the theatre. I also like ice-skating and I love swimming –I go at least once a week. I love surfing the net, sending emails and learning to do new things on my computer and I’m mad about music! At the moment I’m really into Garbage and Moby –and I think Korn’s latest CD sounds fantastic!
3 I go to a large mixed school. I think it’s quite strict, but not too bad. My best subject is art. I really hate doing exams, though.
4 My parents and I don’t often spend a lot of time together, but I know I can always count on them if I need anything. I’ve got one sister. We usually have a lot of arguments (especially because I often wear her clothes), but right now she’s studying Economics in Brighton, so I can do what I like!
5 I don’t like pressure. For example at school, I can’t stand people who are very competitive.
6 I don’t have to get up very early on Sundays (there’s no school, of course) but I get up at 10am, because I attend a drama school in the morning. Later I go shopping. I usually stay in at night and watch TV.
7 I want to go to college, maybe to study art. I’d love to live in Paris. As for work, I don’t know what career to choose yet. My parents want me to be a teacher, but it’s too early to decide!