
Catalan cuisine

Dear students, here you are some words from the recipes below:

garlic cloves, minced, extra-virgin, blender, thick, emulsified, hazelnuts, blanched, roasted, fresh, egg yolk, parsley, mortar and pestle, spice mill, almonds, food processor, zucchini, unpeeled, diced, seeded, roasted, ground, eggplant, sliced, golden brown, canned, split, vinegar, soaked

Could you make three lists:
one for ingredients,
one for kitchen utensils
and a third one for adjectives related with cooking?

What are the red words?

Could you translate: airtight container and season? What kind of words are they?

How would you called a 2-pint bottle of beer in Spanish slang?

1 pint = 2 C = ml.?
1 cup (C)= 16 Tbsp = ml.?
1 tablespoon (Tbsp) = 3 tsp = ml.?
1 teaspoon (tsp) = 4.73 ml. (aprox.)

(from : www.barcelonaby.com/recipes)

Allioli Sauce (they don't use egg, but I always add the yolk!!!)

8 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup extra-virgin olive oil

In a blender, add the garlic. With the blender running, slowly drizzle in enough oil until the mixture is thick and emulsified. Season with salt.
Picada Sauce
2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
1/4 cup blanched almonds, roasted
1/4 cup blanched hazelnuts, roasted
1 slice fried bread
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley leaves
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Using a mortar and pestle or a spice mill or a food processor, grind the garlic, nuts and bread together. Add the parsley and mash until incorporated. Add in enough oil to the mixture to form a thick paste. Season with salt and pepper.
Samfaina Sauce
1 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 1/2 cups medium eggplant, unpeeled and diced
2 1/2 cups medium diced zucchini, unpeeled and diced
3 cups fresh tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped
3 medium red pepper, roasted, peeled and thinly sliced
5 cups onions, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons garlic cloves, chopped
Black pepper, freshly ground
Heat oil in large pot. When the oil is hot, add the onions. Season with salt and pepper. Saute until soft, about 6 minutes. Add the garlic and eggplant. Season with salt and pepper. Saute until wilted, about 4 to 6 minutes. Add the zucchini, tomatoes, and peppers. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer and cook until the liquid is evaporated and the vegetables are very soft, about 30 minutes. Taste and season if necessary.
Sofregit Sauce
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup onion, chopped
1 teaspoon garlic cloves, minced
1 cup tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped (fresh or canned)
1 teaspoon flat-leaf parsley, minced
1 teaspoon sage, minced
Salt and pepper, to taste
Heat a heavy sauté pan and pour in the olive oil. When the oil is hot, add the onions and cook over low heat until they turn soft and golden brown, about 20 minutes. Stir in the garlic and cook until it begin to color slightly, about 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook slowly until they begin to blend with the onions, about 20 minutes. Add the parsley and sage and cook for another 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Romesco Sauce
3 dried peppers, soaked, seeded and minced
1 small fresh red pepper, split in half
3 whole garlic cloves
2 slices white bread, crust removed
1 cup tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped
1/2 cup blanched almonds, roasted
1/2 cup hazelnuts, roasted
4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley leaves
Salt, to taste
In a large sauté pan, over medium heat, add the oil. When the oil is hot, add the peppers. Sauté for 1 minute and remove from the pan. Reserve the oil. In a food processor, combine the peppers and garlic. Process until a paste forms. Add the reserved fried bread, tomatoes and nuts. Process until smooth. Add the vinegar, 2 to 3 tablespoons of the reserved oil and season with salt. Process for 15 seconds. Add the parsley and process for 5 seconds. Remove and store in an airtight container under refrigeration until ready to use.
NB! Sautéing is cooking food in a small amount of fat over high heat.

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Anònim ha dit...

Ingredients: garlic cloves, hazelnuts, egg yolk, parsley, almonds, zucchini, eggplant, vinegar
Kitchen utensils: blender, mortar and pestle, spice mill, food processor,
Adjectives related with cooking: minced, thick, fresh, unpeeled, sliced, soaked, emulsified, extra-virgin, canned blanched, roasted, diced. Split, golden brown, ground

Red words: These words are verbs associated with the kitchen

Airtight container: Recipiente hermético. Airtight container is a noun
Season: Sazonar. Season is a verb

How would you called a 2-pint bottle of beer in Spanish slang?
In Spanish it calls litrona

1 pint = 2 C = 454.04 ml
1 cup (C)= 16 Tbsp = 227.04 ml
1 tablespoon (Tbsp) = 3 tsp = 14.19 ml
1 teaspoon (tsp) = 4.73 ml. (aprox.)

Anònim ha dit...

Ingredients: garlic cloves, hazelnuts, egg yolk, parsley, almonds, zucchini, eggplant, vinegar.

Kitchen utensils: blender, mortar and pestle, spice mill, food processor.

Adjectives related with cooking: minced, extra-virgin, thick, emulsified, blanched, roasted, fresh, unpeeled, diced, seeded, roasted, ground, golden brown, canned, split, soaked.

Red words: The red words are verbs. They are related with the topic of the kitchen. For exemple: Add the meat, grind the pepper, and other verbs associated with the kitchen.


-airtight container: Recipiente o envase hermético. Is a noun.
- Season: Sazonar. Is a verb.

How would you called a 2-pint bottle of beer in Spanish slang?

1 pint = 2 C = 454.08 ml
1 cup (C)= 16 Tbsp = 227.04 ml.
1 tablespoon (Tbsp) = 3 tsp = 14.19 ml
1 teaspoon (tsp) = 4.73 ml. (aprox.)

Anònim ha dit...

Rice with curry

1 breast of chicken without bone
Cream of 200ml
½ Onion
1 teaspoon of curry powder
4 eggs
¼ kilogram of rice
1 garlic
1 glass of soup
Oil and salt

Kitchen utensils:

Frying pan

Adjectives related with cooking:


Chop breast of chiken in squares, fry and wait. Also chop onion in squares and fry, add the cream, the curry add the glass of soup. Boil ten minutes, mash with mixer and wait.
Do rice, first fry the garlic continuation add the rice in oil, add water and leave, boil 20 minutes. Fry 4 eggs minimum oil in frying pan when finish egg do an about-turn and take out.
Do a crem caramel with rice, put on egg and side put thing fried.
Begin eat!!!

Anònim ha dit...

Crumbs of flour (For 6 persons):


-1 kilo of Flour
- 450ml. of Oil
- 6 sausages and 3 slices of bacon (or other variants)
- 10 garlic cloves
- Water
- Salt


- Bowl
- Spoon of wood
- Plate
- Big plate
- Frying pan


Step 1: Separate the garlic cloves of the head giving them a cut, they must not struggle. Cut the bacon and the sausages in chunks.

Step 2: Put in a bowl flour, water and salt. Stir them. The mass must remain soft

Step 3: Put in the frying pan the oil and the garlics. When the garlics are golden, put them in a plate.

Step 4: Put the sausages in the same oil and fry them. Then put them in the plate with garlics.

Step 5: Put the bacon in the same oil and fry them. Put them in the plate with garlics and sausages.

Step 6: Put the mass in the oil. Stir it and puncture it with a spoon of wood. Turn the mass into small meats.

Step 7: Gild the crumbs. Add the garlics, the bacon and the sausages. Move everything. Finally, put the crumbs in a big plate.

They can be served accompanying any thing... For example they are exquisite with sausages or with fruits (grapes, bargains, grenades ...).

Anònim ha dit...


- 220g flour
- 150g sugar
- 3 whole eggs
- 3g butter
- Half a glass of milk
- 1 envelope yeast
- 1 Chocolate bar


First you have to mix the flour sugar 3 eggs, milk and yeast.
Then we have to melt the butter with the chocolate in the microwave
Get melted the chocolate and mix with the dough.
Get a tray and cover with butter and lay the dough. Place it in the tray and squeeze it into the oven to 180ºC up and down 15 minutes

Anònim ha dit...


1, 5 kilo of peaches
4 cups of sweet wine
Some lemon rind
1 cup of sugar
Some cloves
1 cinnamon stick

Peel the peaches and put these in a saucepan. Grate a lemon and add the rind, the wine, the sugar, the cloves and the cinnamon in the saucepan. Boil all and when the peaches will be soft take these with a fork and put these in a bowl. Strain the sauce and put it in the same bowl. Finally cut into bits the peaches and put some bits in dishes with some sauce.

1 PINT=2C=473 ml
1 cup (C)= 16 Tbsp = 237 ml
1 tablespoon (Tbsp) = 3 tsp = 15 ml
The other questions: I agree with Yaiza and I think is not necessary write the same.

Anònim ha dit...

Catalan cream (for a 6 persons)


- 1 liter of milk
- 6 eggs
- 200 g of sugar
- 50g of cornflour
- 1 lemon
- 1 stick cinnamon


First it is necessary to peel the lemon, we will guard the skin of the lemon and will throw the different thing. Next to put the skin of the lemon, a stick cinnamon, them 200g of sugar and the milk in a saucepan, and we will set this one to boil. While the milk boils, we will put in a bowl six yolks of egg and them 50g the cornflour, and will beat this until a homogeneous mixture stays. When the milk this boil, to remove the cinnamon and the skin of the lemon. Later it is necessary to add to the milk the mixture done before and to stir it until it thickens. Finally when it is thick, we will withdraw it from the fire and already it will be ready to eat.