
The Housing Problem, "little boxes"

Little Boxes

Little boxes is a metaphor for the clean and neat American houses and cottages which are all alike. In this song, however, 'little boxes' means also compartments, categories.

Find out the meaning of the expressions in blue.
When was this song written? Where?
Have you heard it before? Where and when?
I hope you enjoy singing it!

Happy weekend!

Little Boxes
Little boxes on the hillside, little boxes made of ticky tacky
Little boxes
on the hillside, little boxes all the same
There's a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky tacky and
they all look just the same.
And the people in the houses all went to the university
Where they were put in boxes and
they came out all the same,
And there's doctors and there's lawyers, and business executives
And they're all
made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.
And they all play on the golf course and drink their martinis dry,
And they all have pretty children and the children go to school
And the children go to
summer camp and then to the university
Where they are put in boxes and they come out all the same.

And the boys go into business and marry and raise a family
In boxes made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.

7 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Hi Elena.
The meaning of the expressions in blue are:
Made of ticky tacky:fetes de cartró-pedra
on the hillside: a la vessant
they all look just the same:totes semblen la mateixa
they came out all the same:s'han convertit tots en el mateix
made out:fetes
golf course:camp de golf
summer camp: colònies d'estiu
raise a family: aixecar una família

When was this song written? This song was written in 1962 by Malvina Reynolds. Where? On a way where Malvina and her husband went from Berkeley, through San Francisco and down the peninsula to La Honda. There, she says to her husband: I feel a song coming on.
Have you heard it before? Yes, I heard it before. Where and when? I heard it on TV, on channel CUATRO more or less on April, this is the spot where I heard it : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1srbs_cortinillas-cuatro-abril-2007-lluvi_ads

Anònim ha dit...

made of ticky tacky: hecho de pegajoso ticky
on the hillside: en la ladera
they all look just the same : todos miraron igual
they came out all the same: salieron todos igual
made out: hecho hacia afuera
golf course : curso de golf
summer camp: campo de verano
raise a family: levantar a la familia

When was this song written? Where?
“Little Boxes”, of Malvina Reynolds,composed in 1962

Have you heard it before? when?
no, never I listened.

Israel Lamota

Anònim ha dit...


1. Translation:

Made of ticky tacky; hechas de cartón/mano de obra barata

On the hillside; en la ladera

They all look just the same; todas parecen iguales

They came out all the same; los convirtieron a todos en lo mismo

Made out; hechos

Golf course; Campo de Golf

Summer camp; Campamento de verano

Raise a family: Levantar una familia

2. When was this song written?

This song was written in 1962 by Malvina Reynolds (1900-1978)

3. Have you heard it before? Where and when?

Yes, I've already heard it before. I heard it on Cuatro’s spot, but I don’t remember when I listened it.

Good Weekend and happy Mercé!xD

Anònim ha dit...

Hi Elena!
The meaning of the expressions in blue are:
·Made of ticky tacky: Hecho de cartón-piedra.
·On the hillside: En la ladera.
·They all look just the same: Todas parecen las mismas.
·They came out all the same: Se han convertido todos en la mimo.
·Made out: Hechos.
·Golf course: Campo de golf.
·Summer camp: Campamento de verano.
·Raise family: Levantar una familia.

-When was this song written? This song was written in 1962 by Malvina Reynolds.
-Have you heard it before? Where and when? Yes, I heard it before. I heard on channel Cuatro but I don't remenber when I heard it.

Anònim ha dit...

1. Translation:

Made of ticky tacky: material de poca calidad lo que en la traducción al español es carton.

On the hillside: En la ladera.

They all look just the same: Todas parecen iguales.

They came out all the same: Convertieron a todos en lo mismo.

Made out: Hechos.

Golf course: Campo de Golf

Summer camp: Campamento de verano

Raise a family: Levantar a la familia

2. When was this song written? Little Boxes is a song written by Malvina Reynolds in 1962

3. Have you heard it before? Yes, I listened this song in a Cuatro’s advertisement.

4.Where and when? I listen this song when I see the cuatro channel.

Anònim ha dit...

Hi, Helena!!

I'm going to translate the expressions in blue:

-Made of ticky tacky:
-On the hillside: En la ladera
-They all look just the same: Todos miran absolutamente igual.
-They came out all the same: Se convirtieron todos en lo mismo.
-Made out: Hechos
-Golf course: Campo de golf
-Summer camp: Campamento de verano
-Raise a family: Levantar a la familia

When was this song written? This song (little boxes)was written by Malvina Reynolds in 1962

Have you heard it before? Yes, I heard this song in the channel Cuatro, but also I have this song in my computer.


Anònim ha dit...

MADE OF TICKY TACKY: Hecho de carton-piedra
ON THE HILLSIDE:En la ladera
THEY ALL LOOK JUST SAME:Todos parecen los mismos
THEY CAME OUT ALL THE SAME:Convirtieron a todos en lo mismo
MADE OUT:Hecho fuera
GOLF COURSE:Campo de golf
SUMMER CAMP:Campamento de verano
RAISE A FAMILY:Levantar una familia

-When was this song written? It was written by Malvina Reynolds in 1962
-Where? In Berkeley
-Have you heard it before?No,never
-where and when? ......