
The Canterbury Tales

Hi you all!
Today was our first lesson and I forgot to tell you something.
It's about the book you have to read this term, it's called The Canterbury Tales.
And now some questions:

Who wrote this book?
When was it written?
Where is Canterbury?
How far is it from London?
What is a pilgrim?
When was the printing press invented?

The Canterbury Tales is the story of a group of thirty people who travel as pilgrims to Canterbury (England). The pilgrims, who come from all layers of society, tell stories to each other to kill time while they travel to Canterbury.
If we trust the General Prologue, the author intended that each pilgrim should tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two tales on the way back. He never finished his enormous project and even the completed tales were not finally revised. As the printing press had yet to be invented when it was written, The Canterbury Tales has been passed down in several handwritten manuscripts.

Write your answers as comments and let me know your opinion about it!

11 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Hi Elena. I give you the answers of the questions.

Who wrote this book?
The book was written by Geoffrey Chaucer.

When was it written?
The stories were written in the 14th century.

Where is Canterbury?
Canterbury is in England, in Kent's county

How far is it from London?
Canterbury is to 89 km from London

What is a pilgrim?
Someone who journeys to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion.

When was the printing press invented?
It was invented in Germany by Johann Gutenberg in 1440

Anònim ha dit...

1- Who wrote this book?
The book was written by Geoffrey Chaucer )

2-When was it written?
It was written between 1381 and 1386.

3-Where is Canterbury?
Canterbury is in England

4-How far is it from London?
I didn't find it

5-What is a pilgrim?
A person who goes on a religious journey, their goal being to reach a specific holy place.

6-When was the printing press invented?
It was invented in 1440 by Johann Gutenberg

Anònim ha dit...

Who wrote this book?
it was written by Geoffrey C.

When was it written?
it was written in century 14

Where is Canterbury?
Canterbury (New Zealand) is in England

How far is it from London?
not it encounter, Yaiza says that
Canterbury is to 89 km from London

What is to pilgrim?
it means person who goes to a sanctuary by devotion

When was the printing press invented?
Gutenberg in 1449,
(it published the “Misal de Constanza”)

Israel Lamota

Anònim ha dit...

Hi Elena.
Some people have already answered the questions but I give you the answers too.

Who wrote this book?
This collection of stories was written by Geoffrey Chaucer.

When was it written?
It was written between the 1380’s and the late 1390’s.

Where is Canterbury?
Canterbury is in eastern Kent in the South East region of England.

How far is it from London?
It is 62.8mi (101,07 km) far from London.

What is a pilgrim?
Is one who undertakes a religious long journey or search of great moral significance. Sometimes the journey is to a sacred place.

When was the printing press invented?
The history says: The printing press with movable type was invented more or less at 1450 by Gutenberg. But some people say the printing press was invented in the X or XI century in China.

Anònim ha dit...

Hi Elena!
I'm going to write the answers of the questions

Who wrote this book?
The book was written by Geoffrey Chaucer.

When was it written?
It was written in century 14.

Where is Canterbury?
Canterbury is in England.

How far is it from London?
I haven't found it.

What is a pilgrim?
A person who does a trip to visit a sanctuary,with a staff and a cape

When was the printing press
The inventor of the modern press or of the mobile types was Johannes Gutenberg. His creation I take course in the middle of the 15th century.

Anònim ha dit...

1-Who wrote this book?
This book was written by Geoffrey Chaucer

2-When was it written?
Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales between 1387 and 1400.

3-Where is Canterbury?
Canterbury is in England

4-How far is it from London?
It is to 89 km from London.

5-What is a pilgrim?
One who embarks on a quest for something conceived of as sacred.

6-When was the printing press invented?
It was invented in 1440 by Johann Gutenberg

Anònim ha dit...

1.Who wrote this book?
- This book was written by Geoffrey Chaucer

2.When was it written?
- It was written in the 14th century

3.Where is Canterbury?
- Canterbury is in England

4.How far is it from London?
- It is 56mi(90km)far from London

5.What is a pilgrim?
- The pilgrim is a person who visits and travels to sacred places as religious act

6.When was the printing press invented?
- It was invented in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg

Anònim ha dit...

1.was writtin by geoffrey Chaucer
2.Written between 1381-1386
5.is someone who inmigrated from great britain to America
6.when it was written

Anònim ha dit...

Who wrote this book?
Was writen by Geofrey Chaucer.
When was it written?
It was written in the 14 century.
Where is Canterbury?
Conterbury is England.
How far is it from London?
It is to 89 Fron London.
What is a pilgrim?
Is a people religioso.
When was the printing press invented?
Was invented in 1440 by Jhans Gutenberg

Anònim ha dit...

Who wrote this book?
by Geofry Chaucer

When was it written?
14th centuary

Where is Canterbury?
in England

How far is it from London?

What is a pilgrim?
who come from all layers of society

When was the printing press invented?
It was invented in Germany by Johann Gutenberg in 1440

Anònim ha dit...

-Who wrote this book? Geofry Chaucer
-When was it written? In the 14 th centuary
-Where is Cantebury? In England
-What is pilgrim? Someone who journeys in foreign lands .
-When was the printing press invented?In Germany in 1440 by Johann Gutenberg