
how to express... purpose!

Grammar Tables: 

for, to, so that

To talk about purpose, 
or the reason why we do things, 
we can use  for + verb-ing
we can use the infinitive with to
and we can use so that + subject + verb.

Action or event
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'for' + verb-ing
I'm bringing some pots and pans
for cooking.
I've got special glasses
for reading small print.
A thermos flask
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is for keeping hot food hot.
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Action or event
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Infinitive with 'to'
We've got some water
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to make tea.
I went to the shops
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to buy some milk.
I worked very hard
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to get a promotion.
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Action or event
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'so that' + subject + verb   
I'm taking some extra blankets
so that we don't get cold.
I chained my bicycle to the fence
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so that it wouldn't get stolen.
I worked very hard
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so that I would do well in the exam.
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