
Comparison I

Hi everybody!
Do you remember how to make comparative adjectives????
Here I am to help you remember with these rules and examples:

-er is added to the end of a 1-syllable adjective
  • cold - colder than
  • small - smaller than
  • tall - taller than
  • Winter is usually colder than summer.
  • The green hat is smaller than the yellow one.
more is used for words that have 2 syllables, if the word doesn't end in -y.     if they end by -y it changes to -i and we add -er
  • honest
  • more honest than
  • modern
  • more modern than
  • easy
  • easier
  • Chinese is more difficult than English.
  • Catalan is easier than German
more is used for words that have 3 or more syllables expensive
more expensive than

more comfortable than
adjectives that end in -e, only -r is added to end of the adjective
  • nice -nicer than
  • safe -safer than
adjective that end in a consonant, vowel, consonant - the last consonant is doubled
  • big -bigger than
  • fat- fatter than
  • hot -hotter than
  • My house is bigger than my sister's.
  • Summer in Spain is hotter than winter.

and don't forget the irregular ones:  
good          better than 
bad            worse than

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