
CONNECTORS (addition & contrast)


Type of Connector Connector(s) Examples
Coordinating Conjunction and High level positions are stressful at times, and can be harmful to your health.
Conjunctive adverbs in addition,  furthermore, moreover, also, besides, also, too High level positions are stressful at times; furthermore, they can be harmful to your health
Correlative conjunctions not only...but also Not only are high level positions stressful at times, but they also can be harmful to your health.
Prepositional phrases in addition to, as well as Als weel as being stressful, high level positions can also be harmful to your health.


Type of Connector Connector(s) Examples
Coordinating conjunction but, however, nevertheless High level positions are stressful at times, but the financial rewards make these positions very desirable indeed.
Subordinating conjunctions whereas, while While high level positions are stressful at times, the financial rewards make these positions very desirable indeed.
Conjunctive adverbs in contrast, on the one hand, on the other hand even though, though, although, High level positions are stressful at times; on the other hand, the financial rewards make these positions very desirable indeed.Even though high level positions are stressful at times, the financial rewards make these positions very desirable indeed. 
Prepositions despite, in spite of In spite of the stress high level positions may cause, the financial rewards make these positions very desirable indeed.