

Hi dear students, could you correct the following mistakes?

: singular-plural
He have been here for six month.

A: article
I had a accident.

WF: word form
I saw a beauty picture.

WC: word choice
He got on the taxi.

VT: verb tense
He is here since June.

+W: add a word
I want+ go to the zoo.

-W: omit a word
She answered -to my question.

WO: word order
I liked very much that movie.

IS: incomplete sentence
When it began to rain.

Sp: spelling
Come wit us to the park.

P: punctuation
What did he say.

C: capitalization
I am studying english.

MNC: meaning not clear
He borrowed some smoke.

RS: run-on sentence
My father is hungry, he hasn't eat breakfast.

This would be the code to mark your writing mistakes;
if you don't understand any of them, please let me know!