
I am a feminist and I believe you should!

Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. 

feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.


examining Pop Culture nowadays

The Smurfette Principle:

A girl explaining what sexual objectification is.

The Bechdel Test:


The Merchant's Tale

                           - treacherous (dangerous) - tire (become bored)

maiden (unmarried girl) - dotard (senile elderly person) - feeble (weak) - cuckold (be unfaithful to) - flatter (compliment) 
A marriage between a decrepit old man and a young maiden is commonly referred to as a January-May wedding, taken of course from this tale. 
While this tale is the most original of Chaucer's, the trick played at the end on the old dotard — often referred to as the "Pear-Tree episode" — was found in many popular tales of the time. 
In fact, the figure of the aged or feeble lover is frequent in literature of all ages. 
In this tale, as in others, the reader assumes that the older man will be cuckolded by a younger, handsomer, more virile man, especially because the older man has difficulty coping with his young wife in bed.
The Merchant's Tale is the second tale handling the cuckolding of an old husband by a young bride (the first was The Miller's Tale). 
The choice of names supports the Merchant's point-of-view: January (old with white hair like snow) marries May (young and beautiful like the May flowers) after rejecting the good advice of Justinius (the just or righteous man) and following the advice of Placebo (the flattering man).
Similar tales are Boccaccio's Story of Lydia and Pyrrhus and The Simpleton Husband from One Thousand and One Nights. Book IV of the The Masnavi (Persian poem) of Rumi contains another pear tree story.
                          A tale from the Decameron (1916) by John William Waterhouse (1849–1917) 

Svalbard and two Global Seed Banks

Svalbard, a natural paradise?


If you control the oil, you control the country; 
if you control food, you control the population.                 - Henry Kissinger

Inaugurated in February 2008, this is "frozen Noah’s Ark" . 

On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation
and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group. 
"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic
Retrieved 21st  July, 2013, from


The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership, launched in year 2000, 
is the largest ex situ plant conservation project in the world. 
Its focus is on global plant life faced with the threat of extinction and plants of most use for the future. 
The seeds we save are conserved outside their native habitat.



Irregular verbs rap

The microphone I 

TAKE (took, TAKen). You SHAKE (shook, SHAken). 
WAKE (woke, WOken) to the STYLE Im creAting. 
THINK (thought, THOUGHT). SEEK (sought, SOUGHT).
LISten to the LESson that I TEACH (taught, TAUGHT).

Dont SLEEP (slept, SLEPT). I CREEP (crept, CREPT). 
I SNEAK (snuck, SNUCK UP). You LEAP (leapt, LEAPT).
I KEEP (kept, KEPT) HAVing FUN. 
Im never BEAT (beat, BEAten); I WIN (won, WON).
DO (did, DONE). BeGIN (began, beGUN).
SHOOT (shot, SHOT)—no, I DONT own a GUN. 
I LEAD (led, LED) so I can FEED (fed, FED). 
the KNOWledge you NEED, STRAIGHT to your HEAD. 
When I BRING (brought, BROUGHT) it, you CATCH (caught, CAUGHT) it.
Sit BACKreLAX. Dont FIGHT (fought, FOUGHT) it.

Please don't

FREEZE (froze, FROzen) when I SPEAK (spoke, SPOken). 
Its REAL. You can FEEL I dont STEAL (stole, STOlen). 
I CHOOSE (chose, CHOsen) the VERy best RHYMES and
WRITE (wrote, WRITten) them INto my LINES and
INto your MIND. When we MEET (met, MET)
Ill BET (bet, BET) I wont LET you forGET 
(forGOTforGOTten). I GET (got, GOTten)
EVery head NODding. Dont THINK about STOPping
just COME (came, COME). 
THIS is hip hop. I dont SING (sang, SUNG).
I STING (stung, STUNG). I CLING (clung, CLUNG).
On EACH and every WORD, you HANG (hung, HUNG).

It's not enough to

DREAM (dreamt, DREAMT); youve got to SPEND (spent, SPENT)
TIME on your GOALS. Please LEND (lent, LENT) me your
EAR. Come NEAR and Ill LAY (laid, LAID)
DOWN this new SOUND that I MAKE (made, MADE). 
I HOPE you dont SAY that you THINK its JUNK.
I HOPE you dont THINK that I STINK (stank, STUNK).
If youre THIRSty for ENGlish, come DRINK (drank, DRUNK).
because I SINK (sank, SUNK) ALL compeTItion when they 
HEAR (heard, HEARD) that I GIVE (gave, GIVen)
encouragement when I SPIT (spat, SPAT).
Never QUIT (quit, QUIT); dont SIT (sat, SAT).
Yeah, I LIKE it like THAT. Ill even KNEEL (knelt, KNELT).
and BEG you to exPRESS what you FEEL (felt, FELT).

I RISE (rose, RISen) when I DRIVE (drove, DRIVen) through 
the BEAT; tap your FEET as you RIDE (rode, RIDden). 
Those that HIDE (hid, HIDden) I FIND (found, FOUND).
If you FLEE (fled, FLED) then Ill TRACK you DOWN.

Now you SEE (saw, SEEN) that I MEAN (meant, MEANT) 
every WORD of the MESsage that I SEND (sent, SENT). 
I SHOW (showed, SHOWN) I can FLY (flew, FLOWN).
Now you KNOW (knew, KNOWN) I SHINE (shone, SHONE).
Ill THROW (threw, THROWN) you the BALL. Its your TURN. 
GROW (grew, GROWN) with the VERBS that youve LEARNED. 
GRAMmar through LYRics I DRAW (drew, DRAWN). 
PEACE to elLS, now I GO (went, GONE)!